
Hi, my name is

Aaron Gao.

I build things to strive for
a real impact on the world.

Currently in 2024, I've worked as the Senior Principal Software Engineer in Taiwan Mobile for 2 years, led the R&D team to build the large-scale video conference system from scratch.

01. About me

Hi, I'm Aaron. I enjoy creating things that can be applied in real life. My interest in web development started back in 2017 when I decided to take the freelance job from AMSA Taiwan - turns out this full-stack work taught me a lot about the foundation of web development and excited my further interest in computer science.

Fast-forward to today, and I've had the privilege of working at NYCU IT Center as a full-stack developer and focused on software engineering.

I also enjoy team collaboration which always inspire unlimited creativity. It became my motivation for attending contests and engaging in side projects.

personal photo

02. Recently participated side projects

Featured Project
GoGet - Your career partner

2020 Oct - 2021 Oct
A side project which involved 40+ talents across consulting, banking and marketing industries, aimed to create the richest career information platform for youth.

Squad Lead
I led back-end team to implement forum mechanism by developing a customized WordPress plugin using PHP 7. Currently migrating our MVP website into new web frameworks (Vue.js and Node.js).





Featured Project
2020 Presidential Hackathon - WayFic

2020 Feb - 2020 Aug
Developed a navigation platform for emergency vehicles that aimed to reduce 3 minutes average traffic time per rescue mission and save 1,855 lives per year in Taiwan.

Team Lead and Developer
I led our team to build traffic simulation model by analyzing 5 millions GPS records from Taipei City Government.





Thesis during NYCU MS-CS
2020 - 2024
Semantic-augmented File Sharing Platform

Designed and implemented the semantic-augmend file sharing platform and buit CI/CD process on Azure.

As the principal developer in laboratary, I designed the system architecture of this novel file sharing system. Also, be responsible for managing code flow for all related projects and mentoring/reviewing code for 4 developers.

Spring Boot





Microsoft Graph API

Hybrid Cloud Storage

Data Mining

03. Some thing I've built

Freelance - Full Stack Development (2018 - 2020)
Digital Learning Platform - FJCU

An online learning platform with easy hands-on features that help 1,000 students and teachers trace their courseworks in FJCU Business Management Program.

As a full-stack developer in this project, I implement all features by using PHP Laravel and reconstructed former data schema to overcome the challenge of the new three-layers course structure.





04. Skills

Programming Languages
JavaScript 90%
Java 80%
Dart 70%
Python 60%
PHP 50%
C++ 30%
Skills & Tools
Art & Multimedia From Oxford University
2010 - 2012

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum

the future creative

I can create brands

Pellentesque pellentesque, ipsum sit amet auctor accumsan, odio tortor bibendum massa, sit amet ultricies ex lectus scelerisque nibh. Ut non sodales odio.

05. Get In Touch

Although I'm not currently looking for any new opportunities, my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you!

Get creative solutions. Everyone is a potential creator.